samedi 2 juillet 2011

Prince Edward Island photos - Île-du-Prince-Édouard

Nouvelle série de photos de l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard : phares, mer, plages, villages, bateaux, paysages, églises, Charlottetown et plus!

La galerie complète disponible en cliquant ici.
(Photos disponibles en haute résolution pour les médias)


A new series of photos from the Prince Edward Island (PEI) : lighthouses, sea, beaches, villages, boats, sceneries, churches, Charlottetown and more!

To see the complete series, click here.
(Photos available in high resolution to medias)

Adirondack chairs at North Lake
Chaises Adirondack à North Lake

Boat at Beach Point near Murray Harbour
Bateau à Beach Point près de Murray Harbour


Cabot Beach Provincial Park
Plage du parc provincial de Cabot Beach

Coastline near Cape Bear
La côte près de Cape Bear

Farm near Hunter River
Ferme près de Hunter River

Lighthouse at French River
Phare de French River

French River

Lobster fishing boat at the wharf of Victoria by the Sea
Homardier au quai de Victoria by the Sea

Murray Harbour


Ferry arriving at Wood Islands
Traversier arrivant à Wood Islands

Panmure Island lighthouse
Phare de Panmure Island

Terrace in the Charlottetown Harbour
Terrasse au port de Charlottetown

Victoria Row, a pedestrian street in Charlottetown
Victoria Row, un rue piétonnière à Charlottetown

Terrace on the Victoria Row
Terrasse sur Victoria Row

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